PICTURE PERFECT POSING: Practicing the Art of Posing for Photographers and Models

Roberto Valenzuela

New Riders, Pearson Education, San Francisco,  USA

Year 2014

Pages 451

In this book the author takes on the art of posing. For many photographers, after learning to compose an image and even light it properly, a portrait can still easily be a failure if the pose is not natural, elegant, and serving the needs of both the subject and the photographer. Instead of just showing page after page of poses – like most posing books on the market – he actually breaks down the concept of posing by examining the anatomy, starting with the core foundation: the spinal cord and neck. Building from there, the author discusses every component of what makes poses work, as well as fail. How should the model hold her hands? Bend her elbows? Position her fingers? Should the model look toward or away from the camera, and why? It all depends on what the photographer wants for the shot, and he discusses the entire process, from the intent of the photographer through the execution of the pose. For those who have been discouraged by an inability to pose their subjects, or who have simply not known where to start in order to “figure it out, this book is the essential resource they need to learn how posing truly works, and how they can learn to direct the exact pose they need for the shot they want.



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